


We’ve been in Nairobi for almost three weeks. We thought that by this point we would be waist-deep in youth ministry.

However, we underestimated the time it takes to make a foreign country a HOME.

We’ve had to redirect most of our energy and time towards efforts to become Nairobi “locals”, which is no easy task. So far, we’ve checked off the following:

Applying for work permits. …Who knew it would be an all-day affair?

Getting shots. …We were too crunched for time in the States, so we put this task off until we arrived in Kenya…again an all day affair.

Stocking up the pantry on grocery basics. …Which requires a visit to various grocery stores to find the essentials. (Things can be out of stock quite often) Oh, Publix, we miss you!

Learning the roads. Not only do we need to learn how to navigate through Nairobi (we are so thankful Google Maps works here!) but we also need to learn HOW TO DRIVE all over again. (Traffic rules seem to be more like “suggestions” here)

Our friend Ibrahim taught us to drive the other day. We kept hitting the windshield wiper instead of the blinker! 


Settling into a new house. …While our pastor and his family are on furlough in Greenville, SC, we have been so blessed to rent their house until their return in December. We’ve had a few hiccups – a power outage and our bedroom flooding – but it is quickly becoming a cozy home for us.

Mixon Home in Kenya.jpg
Our cozy home until December. 

Getting to know our community. …We’ve had many opportunities to get to know others within our church, neighborhood and ministry. We are so thankful for the Bible studies, dinner invites, volleyball games and excursions we have been able to take part in.

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Even throughout these first few weeks we’ve been able to get our feet wet with ministry. We’ve had some strategic meetings with BlueSky staff and with the elders of ICF church. We have begun planning for the semester and recently hosted all of the Covenant Group (student discipleship/Bible study) leaders at our house.

The upcoming month of September is packed full of opportunities for youth ministry. This Sunday, we will lead the first Sr. High youth gathering. Next week, we will be attending YoungLife International School Training. We are itching to get started, but the Lord has been so sweet to allow time for us to get settled into this country that is our new home.

2 thoughts on “{HOME}making.

  1. Mark and I are so glad y’all have arrived safely and are beginning to make Nairobi home! We love you and are praying for you!


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